Monday, September 8, 2008

Symptoms - Kidney Disease

The waste products accumulate in kidney disease and lead to different symptoms.

When kidneys become diseased or damaged, waste products and fluids build up in the body. You could have nausea or loss of appetite.

You could also feel weak and irritable. There is water retention in the limbs or generally throughout the body called (called edema).

The blood pressure can be raised (hypertension) and decreased production of red blood cells can lead to lowering of hemoglobin (anemia)On testing blood and urine samples, the following changes may be seen:

Albuminuria or Proteinuria - Albumin, a vital protein component is lost in the urine.

Hypoalbuminemia - Inadequate amount of protein in the blood. Hyperlipidemia - Excess of fats in the blood.

Anemia - Decrease in the number of red blood corpuscles.

Hypocalcemia - Inadequate amount of calcium in the blood.

Hyperkalemia - Increase in the level of potassium in the blood. The blood also has elevated levels of urea, creatinine.

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